Orientation Video: Historic Site

 “This is amazing, just plain amazing work.  I can’t thank you enough.  The narration is great, the animations work wonders, and it’s just an all-around first-rate product.” – Sean Blinn, President, Board of Trustees, Friends of the Vanderveer House

I narrated and produced this orientation video for the historic Vanderveer House  in New Jersey.  They’d originally come to me with a carefully-researched script and a Powerpoint presentation to welcome new visitors.

I gave them several design options, and transformed their Powerpoint into an engaging orientation video that’s been met with some rave reviews.  One of the first guests to see it said it was “just like something you would see on PBS.”  I call that a definite success!

By the way, I’ve been a tour guide in Gettysburg and a Civil War storyteller for more than ten years… but this is the first time my video work and my history work have crossed paths.  I hope it’s not the last!

Photo Slideshow: Seminar for Historical Administration

I narrated and produced this promotional slideshow for the Seminar for Historical Administration, a professional-development program for museum and history professionals.

In this case, the client wrote the script and chose the photos.  I fine-tuned the script a little, swapped some photos around to make a more effective presentation, recorded the voiceover, and produced the video from there.  So, not a particularly complex project, but definitely a video style I wanted to be sure to include here.